8 Vacancies at Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission With Pay Scale of Rs.9300- 34800/- For Graduates. Apply Before 11th August, 2016
Name of the Government Organization: Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission
Advertisement No: IPC/1053/2015-16/Admn
Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission invites application for the following posts:
Job Number: 1
Job Designation: Administrative Officer
Number of Vacancy: 01
Pay Scale: Rs.9300- 34800/-
Educational Qualification: Officers under the Central Government / State Governments/ Union Territories / Central Public Sector Undertakings/ Autonomous Statutory organizations / Recognized Research Councils or Institutions and holding analogous post on regular basis or at least five years service in the posts in Pay PB: 2: Rs. 9300-34800/-+Grade Pay Rs. 4200/-
Job Number: 2
Job Designation: Upper Division Clerk
Number of Vacancy: 01
Pay Scale: Rs.5200- 20200/-
Educational Qualification: Persons working under the Central Government / State Governments / Union Territories / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Statutory
organizations / Recognized Research Councils or Institutions /Private organizations of repute holding analogous post on regular basis or with
eight years regular service in the grade of Lower Division Clerk or equivalent.
Job Number: 3
Job Designation: Stenographer
Number of Vacancy: 01
Pay Scale: Rs.9300- 34800/-
Educational Qualification: Officers under the Central Government / State Governments / Union Territories / Public Sector Undertakings / Autonomous Statutory organizations / Recognized Research Councils or Institutions holding an analogous post in the parent department / cadre on regular basis and shall posses the experience, prescribed for the post.
Job Number: 4
Job Designation: Administrative Assistant
Number of Vacancy: 04
Pay Scale: Rs.5200- 20200/-
Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years.
Educational Qualification: (i) Degree from a recognized University or institution;
(ii) one year experience in Personnel and General Administration work;
(iii) Knowledge of Computer Operations with proficiency in MS office.
Job Number: 5
Job Designation: Driver
Number of Vacancy: 01
Pay Scale: Rs.5200- 20200/-
Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years.
Educational Qualification: (i) A pass in the 8th Standard;
(ii) possession of valid driving license for Light Motor Vehicles;
(iii) Not less than three years of experience in driving Light Motor Vehicles;
(iv) Knowledge of motor mechanism – should be able to rectify minor defects in vehicles;
(v) Shall not have been convicted of offences under the Motor Vehicles Ac and no case shall be pending at the time of recruitment.
Place of Work: Uttar Pradesh
How To Apply For Openings: a) Application giving particulars as per prescribed format with a passport size photograph of the application at the space indicated with attested copies of the documents / certificates in support of their claims of qualifications, experience etc. should be sent so as to reach the Secretarycum-Scientific Director, INDIAN PHARMACOPOEIA COMMISSION, (Ministry of Health Family Welfare), Sector 23, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP) – 201002 latest by 5.00 PM on 11th August, 2016. The envelop containing the application should be super scribed “Application for the post of ………”.
b) The posts carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government employees of corresponding status.
c) The applicants for the posts under Deputation (ISTC) / Absorption category of posts must apply THROGUH PROPER CHANNEL and provide duly authenticated copies of their ACR / APAR for the last five years, in the absence of which their applications may not be considered.
d) The competent authority reserves the right or reject any / or all applications received for the posts without giving reasons
Last Date To Apply: 11th August, 2016
Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission
(ministry Of Health Family Welfare)
Sector 23, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad (up) – 201002
Advertisement Details: http://ipc.nic.in/showfile.asp?lid=586EncHid=
Job Notification For Multiple Posts – Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission